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Nov 5, 20242 min read
Not everyone will understand your trauma.
Physical abuse is not only physical. Where there is physical abuse, there will always be a psychological trauma attached.
Aug 13, 20242 min read
Islamophobia or Anti-Muslim?
The issue with the term ‘Islamophobia’ is that it does not separate the ideology of Islam to the people who follow it (Muslim’s). I do not l
May 3, 20242 min read
Regretting having children? You're not alone.
‘I love my kid, but if I knew back then what I know now, I wouldn’t have had them’.
Feb 1, 20242 min read
No Hijab Day
Today is ‘world hijab day’, which is a day designed to celebrate women who choose to wear the hijab. It is important to also acknowledge...
Jan 24, 20241 min read
When your parent says they wish you had never been born.
I’ve been supporting people non-religious people who come from a Muslim family for the past 3 years (sometimes these individuals identify...
Jan 23, 20241 min read
What is CBT Therapy?
How does CBT Therapy work? In CBT Therapy, we focus on the following areas: thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. The way we think about a...
Aug 23, 20232 min read
Family Estrangement - should you cut ties with your parents?
Why don’t my parents love me unconditionally? This is something I hear from many ex-Muslims. It’s a question I can’t answer. I am not...
Apr 22, 20233 min read
Does getting married make you a successful person?
My friends always laugh at me when I say I find it odd that we say ‘congratulations’ when someone gets married, like its an achievement....
Jan 24, 20231 min read
When your best isn't your best
Before Christmas, I was working out 4x a week and I was making sure I was hitting my macros. I told myself, I'll have a couple of weeks...
Jan 14, 20233 min read
Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) – is it a thing?
I have been specialising in helping individuals who have left high-controlling religions for the past two years. Most people I help, are...
Dec 17, 20222 min read
Childfree by choice
As a child-free therapist (child-free by choice), I have recently been thinking about the expectations placed on those of us who have...
Aug 14, 20222 min read
Lets talk about Salman Rushdie.
The stabbing itself is saddening, shocking and sickening. But what’s even worse are all the supporters. We know bad people exist;...
Jul 10, 20221 min read
Thinking of telling your family you are no longer a Muslim?
Most of my clients come to be because their family do not know they are not religious. Either you have decided you want to tell them, or...
May 21, 20223 min read
This little girl, has made me a much better person, friend, and therapist
One of my close friends gave birth to her daughter, Hera Jasmine Moos, on 3rd October 2020. Hera was due to be born in December, but she...
May 13, 20222 min read
How picky should you be when choosing a therapist?
This is something that divides therapists. More and more clients are requesting therapists from the same background as them – most of...
May 7, 20223 min read
Does it matter if your therapist is from the same ethnicity and culture as you?
This is something that divides therapists. More and more clients are requesting therapists from the same background as them – most of...
Apr 29, 20223 min read
Privileged to be your therapist
Being a therapist is a privilege I had a moment the other week, where I thought to myself ‘wow, people really tell me a lot about their...
Mar 30, 20223 min read
Be loyal to yourself before you are loyal to your employer
I have stayed loyal to IAPT but I’ve never stayed loyal to a service, and I believe this is the reason I have been able to progress as...
Mar 22, 20224 min read
Become confident enough to say no to relationships that are not good for you.
Time heals all wounds. What a lie. Sometimes things don’t get easier, you just get used to them being so hard. I’m not supposed to say...
Mar 12, 20222 min read
Do therapists have their own issues?
Do therapists have their own problems and how do they cope with these?
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